College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) releases their research guidance report, developed with RPI support

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) has released its research guidance report titled Advancing Family Medicine Research in Canada: A Guidance Report for the CFPC’s Future Role and Action. This report was developed in collaboration with Research Power Inc. (RPI) and Dalhousie Family Medicine.

Research Power Inc. played a key role in this project by conducting extensive consultations and research, which included:

  • Interviews, consultation sessions, and surveys with groups and individuals involved in or connected to family medicine research, such as family medicine research leaders, CFPC Chapters, departments of family medicine across Canada, research organizations, government entities, CFPC members, CFPC staff and Board members, and learners and early career researchers.
  • An environmental scan that involved a review of related grey and academic literature and interviews with expert key informants from other jurisdictions.

The report outlines specific roles and concrete actions the CFPC can take to champion family medicine research. It also provides strategies to support family medicine research in addressing the pressing challenges faced by the discipline. This guidance will steer the CFPC’s future efforts in advancing family medicine research across Canada.