RPI to Assist in Developing a Vision for Supporting Family Medicine Research in Canada

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM) is undertaking a discovery and visioning process for family medicine research in Canada. To advance this work, Research Power Inc. and Dalhousie Family Medicine are working with the CFPC and FAFM to study the research landscape within Canada and abroad. This effort involves broad consultations with individuals and organizations that have an interest in family medicine research, as well as an environmental scan to identify initiatives, resources, and best practices that may be applied in Canada. These inputs will inform the development of a future vision for Canada’s family medicine research environment, and roles that the CFPC and FAFM may play within it.  

Family medicine plays a foundational role in the health system, as a central part of primary care and the first point of contact for individuals to manage and maintain their health and wellness. In support of its mission to lead family medicine to improve the health of all people in Canada, the CFPC recognizes the importance of data and evidence as a support for improved health services planning. Results of this discovery and visioning process will help to define the unique strategic and supportive actions that the CFPC can take to better support family medicine research in Canada. 

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to learn more about this project, please feel free to email research@cfpc.ca